Email Marketing

Mailchimp is an email automation platform and marketing service for businesses. Originally founded as a side hustle, it now serves millions of customers around the world. It is an all-in-one marketing platform that has an array of email marketing tools all conveniently located in one place.

Essentially, it helps businesses manage and talk to clients, customers, and prospective customers. For this reason, Mailchimp is a useful resource for all business types. Whether it is a small company or a large enterprise (that requires millions of emails to be sent on a monthly basis), Mailchimp caters to all needs. It can even be used by bloggers just starting their email campaigns, looking for free or cost-effective options.

Yes, there are many competitors out there in the world of email automation. However, for me, Mailchimp comes out on top every time. This is predominantly because of its great user interface. In this article, I’m going to take a closer what ticks the boxes for me, and therefore, what I hope will tick the box for you.

Email Automation with Mailchimp

Being successful with email automation can be difficult to navigate, and if not done correctly, will damage a business’s reputation. This is where Mailchimp comes in. Of course, the features offered in the free version are less compared to the paid version. However, it’s still enough to handle 12,000 emails on a monthly basis and approximately 2,000 subscribers. You can check out the different pricing options here.

Often small businesses that are just starting out make the mistake of using a plug-in to send out email newsletters from within WordPress, but this isn’t the most effective way. Firstly, as your subscription list gets larger, you will run into SPAM issues meaning it’ll skip the inbox and go straight to the junk folder. Secondly, as a result of this, you will notice a lower deliverability rate. And let’s face it. Nobody wants that. So as well as excellent deliverability, Mailchimp is also the ultimate time hack for my business. With this intelligent piece of software, I can:

  • Send emails
  • Manage my subscribers
  • Setup autoresponders
  • Target specific subscribers
  • Create top of the range email campaigns
  • Split-test my campaigns
  • Integrate it with Leadfeeder to see what my subscribers do on my website.

In addition to the above, it is also super easy to use. You certainly don’t have to be tech savvy in any way. After creating a list with Mailchimp, you are then able to go ahead and initiate your first campaign. This is really simple to do. Firstly, there is an extensive selection of prebuilt templates where you are able to customise your content. Secondly, Mailchimp gives you the option to automate email campaigns entirely.

The benefit of email automation is that you can personalise your brand’s efforts. You can enhance the interaction between you and your audience, which only leads to more sales. Mailchimp enables you to create your own workflow of events, and schedule emails that are automatically triggered on a specific date, time, or event, or maybe by a particular user activity.

Split Testing Feature

One of my favourite features of the email automation service Mailchimp is it’s A/B testing. Users can create up to three variants of email campaigns using different content (text or image). This includes a different subject line, a different name, or even a different time-to-send. Based on which variant gets the higher open or click rate, Mailchimp then schedules that variant to be sent automatically to other subscriber groups.

Furthermore, the unique Timewarp feature allows you to schedule your campaigns to go out at the same time. In different time zones. If you set up your emails to be sent out at 5 pm your local time, Timewarp will automatically adjust the email delivery time as per the global subscribers’ time zone. This means that they will also receive your email at 5 pm their local time.

Have I managed to convince you yet that it’s worth it?

Start Your Email Automation today.
