Productivity Management

ClickUp Helping You Manage It All

The way we are used to working isn’t working. Managing projects, by nature, is not a simple task. A lot of business owners feel like the majority of their time is spent trying to juggle a million little projects. However, whilst they may think the amount of tasks is the problem, it isn’t. The problem is that they haven’t figured out a way to manage tasks effectively, or more importantly, efficiently. This is where a task management platform such as ClickUp comes in. In this article, we are going to take a look at the key benefits and how you can best utilise it for your own business success.

Task Management Platform

Managing tasks involves a lot of moving parts and, therefore, it’s no surprise that it can quickly become a bit chaotic. That is why a task management platform is integral to any successful project. You may have already come to realise that launching, running, and growing a business requires that you multitask like a pro.

ClickUp is a great piece of software to help you be able to do this. Simply put, it is a web and mobile application designed to help teams organise, track, and manage their work. For this reason, it allows you to manage several other professionals at any point in time. Moreover, it’s super simple to use. Win, win all around! It’s probably why ClickUp counts Airbnb, Dropbox, Pinterest, and Uber amongst its impressive client base.

ClickUp enables you to create projects, milestones, and perhaps most significantly, deadlines. A key part of this Task management platform that sets it apart from its other competitors in project management is how simple it is to work alongside other professionals. You can:

  • Stay on top of all tasks and manage them in one place.
  • Assign team members to different roles and tasks within a project.
  • Communicate with your team effectively using the messaging feature.
  • Share Documents with ease.
  • Break objectives and key results into smaller tasks.
  • See what projects are on track and what projects are falling behind (and adapt accordingly).
  • Work asynchronously.
  • Reduce the need for in-person meetings- this is especially useful when managing freelancers.
  • Integrate with Zapier and other software. (The integration of third-party apps gives you greater flexibility and more power to your projects.)

And, that’s just to name a few of its features! Consequently, ClickUp truly is the best task management platform to keep on top of the tasks at hand.

Remote Management

With more and more businesses operating predominantly online, ClickUp is a great task management platform to manage people even when you aren’t in the same building. This is why it is so practical and accessible; it’s all online. It doesn’t matter if you have a freelancer that is jetting around the globe, you will still be able to communicate with them and keep them on task.

To use ClickUp, you simply create the project and assign it to the relevant team member. Then add a deadline, upload any necessary files and keep the line of communication open through the comments section which is available on each listed task.

I have tried a LOT of other task management platforms and there is a reason that I keep going back to ClickUp. In summary, it’s an incredibly powerful, flexible tool that enables you to plan all kinds of projects, both big and small. I highly recommend that you consider it for your team today, assuming you’re not already using, Basecamp, Trello or Asana.

Oh, the joys of technology 🙂
