Payment Processing

Chances are you would have already heard about Stripe. However, what I intend to do with this article is to break down some of its functions and uses, so you really understand the benefits of it for your business. For those that aren’t already familiar with it, it is a financial services and technology company. Millions of businesses- from startups to large public companies- use its software and APIs to accept payments, send payouts, as well as manage their businesses online.

For me, I’m all about making things simple but effective. (And those are two words that sum up Stripe so it really is a no-brainer for me). At its core, you could say that it is just a niche payment service for developers. But in reality, it is so much more. It is a platform for economic opportunity, that builds economic infrastructure for the internet. It not only helps new companies get started, but they also help to grow their revenue. In the long term, they aim to increase the GDP of the internet.

Stripe builds the most powerful and flexible tools for internet commerce. This is true whether you’re creating a subscription service, an on-demand marketplace, an e-commerce store, or a crowdfunding platform. It’s meticulously-designed APIs and unmatched functionality helps you create the best possible product for your users. Millions of the world’s most innovative technology companies are scaling faster and more efficiently by building their businesses on Stripe.

So let’s now break it down and look at my top reasons for using it, and why I think you should too:

Top 5 Reasons To Use Stripe

  • Super easy online credit card processing- one of the most user-friendly payment processors available.
  • Companies are capable of leveraging the free API to build a custom e-commerce experience.
  • Enables the user to stay on your site when making a payment, instead of being redirected to another site. 
  • The company continually increases the number of services for small businesses (which will help it become a stickier product adding credibility to your own brand).
  • In keeping with their principle of simplicity and convenience, they have very transparent pricing per successful transaction.

Payment Gateway with Stripe

Furthermore, integration is key in the world of digital finance and business. Digital security is becoming paramount for the online community as the workforce continually becomes more diverse. The global marketplace is constantly expanding. Sales Online will increase year after year (particularly after living through a pandemic when businesses have no other option than to go online). It’s more important than ever that you pick the right solution from the get-go.

This is where Stripe comes in, and allows companies to realise their goals. Part of the appeal is that it is super easy to get set up; you can be up and running with it in just a couple of minutes! This is why it makes it a good bet for anyone- you certainly don’t have to be tech-savvy to figure it out.

Ultimately, accessibility is fundamental in allowing small businesses to not only survive but thrive. Stripe is the epitome of accessibility when it comes to payments online; it helps take the headache out of it so you can crack on with other things. It also integrates with Calendly, so you’d be able to collect payments from invitees at the time an event is scheduled.

They recognise that taking payments online is a problem rooted in code and not in finance. Therefore, they have provided the solution to this problem by integrating this function seamlessly into your business so that you don’t have to. In addition, they also help companies beat fraud, send invoices, get financing, manage business spending, and much more. And even after me telling you all of that, this article still only just scratches the surface of why you need to get Stripe today.
